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BASIC Source File
131 lines
'TERMINAL.BAS - A Liberty BASIC comms example
'Requires Liberty BASIC v1.31 for Windows
'This program is to demonstrate the use of a communications port in Liberty
'BASIC and is in no way intended to be useful for anything else.
'#comm is the handle for our comm port (we are using com2. Change it if your modem
' is not on com2.
'#window is the handle for our window
'#window.te is the handle for our texteditor. To display on-screen, we print to this
'#window.gb is the handle for our graphicbox. This object is outside the borders of
' our window so that it is hidden, and this is where we get the user keystrokes
'Also, we use lof(#comm) to find out how many characters are waiting to be read from
' the com port, and we read those characters using the input$() function.
WindowWidth = 400
WindowHeight = 300
texteditor #window.te, 0, 0, 391, 254 'The handle for our texteditor is #window.te
graphicbox #window.gb, 800, 1, 10, 10
open "kb" for window as #window 'The handle for our window is #window
print #window.gb, "when characterInput [getChar]" 'When the user presses a key go to [getChar]
print #window, "trapclose [quit]" 'When the user closes our terminal window, go to [quit]
print #window.te, "!autoresize"; 'Tell the texteditor to resize with the terminal window
prompt "Please give me a phone #"; phone$
'Set the size of the communications buffer to 16K
Com = 8192 * 2
'Open communications port 2. It's handle is #comm.
'If you need to change to com 1, this is the line to modify
open "COM2:19200,n,8,1,ds0" for random as #comm
'Reset the modem, wait 3 seconds for OK
'This next section of code sends a reset, then waits for a response
print #comm, "ATZ" 'Send ATZ to reset the modem
print #window.te, "Attempting to reset modem..." 'Display to screen
counter = 0
ok = 0
okTime$ = time$()
entireResponse$ = ""
while counter < 3 and ok = 0
if lof(#comm) > 0 then
response$ = input$(#comm, lof(#comm))
entireResponse$ = entireResponse$ + response$
print #window.te, response$;
if instr(entireResponse$, "OK") > 0 then ok = 1
end if
if okTime$ <> time$() then
okTime$ = time$()
counter = counter + 1
end if
if ok = 0 then
notice "Modem is not responding. Please check your configuration."
goto [quit]
end if
'Wait 20 seconds for CONNECT or BUSY
'This section has similar timeout code to the reset modem section
print #window.te, "Dialing phone. Will wait 20 secs for CONNECT."
print #comm, "ATDT"; phone$ 'Send ATDT and phone number to dial modem
counter = 0
ok = 0
okTime$ = time$()
entireResponse$ = ""
while counter < 20 and ok = 0
if lof(#comm) > 0 then
response$ = input$(#comm, lof(#comm))
print #window.te, response$;
entireResponse$ = entireResponse$ + response$
if instr(entireResponse$, "CONNECT") > 0 then ok = 1
if instr(entireResponse$, "BUSY") > 0 then ok = -1
end if
if okTime$ <> time$() then
okTime$ = time$()
counter = counter + 1
end if
if ok = 0 then
goto [quit]
end if
if ok = -1 then
notice "Phone # " + phone$ + " is busy. Exiting."
goto [quit]
end if
'This is where our program spends most of its time after a successful CONNECT
'If we want to capture keystrokes from our graphicbox, then it always needs
'to have the input focus. The next line ensures that it always does.
print #window.gb, "setfocus"
t$ = input$(#comm, lof(#comm)) 'Get com port data
if t$ <> "" then print #window.te, t$; 'Display com port data
scan 'Check for input events
goto [loop]
'Whenever the user presses a key, we go here to process it.
c$ = Inkey$
'Send the character to the com port only if it is not a special keycode
if len(c$) = 1 then print #comm, c$;
goto [loop]
close #window
close #comm